Regain A Pain Free Life, When Nothing Else Works

Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain

Lower Back Pain


  • LBP which affects nearly every one of us at some stage of our life, is described in many ways such as slipped disc, back sprain, arthritis or spondylosis, rheumatism; or when it causes pain extending into the leg, sciatica.
  • Chronic LBP is pain that persists for longer than ??? 6 weeks and recurrent LBP is episodic pain that became painfree for a period of time but the similar symptoms return again and cause low back disorder to the sufferer.
  • In the area of the low back the spine consists of five bones or the vertebrae. Each vertebra has a special cartilage called the discs as well as many holes and openings called the spinal canal.
  • The discs separate the vertebrae and located just in front of the spinal cord.
  • The spinal canals serve as a protected passageway for the spinal cord and the bundle of nerves which extends from head to pelvis.
  • The vertebrae and discs are linked by a series of joints to form the lumbar spine. Each joint is held together by soft tissues such as capsule, ligaments and muscles.
  • The lumbar spine bears the compressive weight of the body above it and provides a flexible connection between the upper and lower half of the body.
  • It has a natural curve which is an inward curve or hollow in the low back and medically it is known as lumbar lordosis.
  • In the lordotic posture, the lumbar spine is most efficient and mechanically advantage during activities.
  • If the lordosis is lost often and for long enough periods, the low back problems may develop.
  • Statistics show that back problems arise more often in the low back than in any other part of the spine.
  • Most low back pain is caused by prolonged overstretching of ligaments and other surrounding soft tissues.


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