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RICE Therapy

RICE Therapy

RICE Therapy

What is RICE Therapy?

R.I.C.E is an abbreviation for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. RICE is considered as the first treatment for some muscle strains, ligament sprains, or different injuries, and wounds. RICE is utilized promptly after an injury come about and for the initial 24 to 48 hours after the damage. Rest, ice, compression and elevation can help in decreasing the inflammation and pain. It ensures the quick healing process to happen.

Common uses of RICE Therapy

RICE therapy is commonly used in the treatments of:

  • Sports Injuries
  • Joint pains (mainly Knee pain)
  • Ankle sprains
  • Muscle strains
  • Pulled muscles
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Sprained ligaments

How to apply RICE Therapy?

To administer RICE therapy considers these guidelines:

  • Rest: Stop makes use of the harmed body part instantly. On the off chance that you feel pain when you move, your body sends an impulse to the brain to decrease the mobility of the harmed region.
  • Ice:  Apply an ice pack to the area of injury, utilizing a towel or spread to shield your skin from frostbite. The more adjusting the ice packs the better it would be for the injured area to receive greatest exposure to the treatment.Leave the ice on for 15 to 20 minutes on end then so the region can warm up to room temperature. You may rehash this on and off procedure for whatever length of time that you need. Ice ought to be utilized as regularly as could reasonably be expected amid the initial 1 to 2 days after damage.
  • Compression:  Use a compression bandage or wrap over the ice pack to help reducing the swelling. Never fix the bandage or wrap to the point of cutting off the blood circulation. You must not feel pain or a stinging sensation while employing compression.
  • Elevation:  Lift or prop up the harmed region with the goal that it rests over and above the level of your heart.

 Benefits of RICE Therapy

It is effective for:

  • Pain relief
  • Decreasing edema
  • Reducing muscle spasm
  • Decreases metabolic activity and demand for activity
  • Decreases Inflammation
  • Stimulates healing processes
  • Decreases tissue damage

It accomplishes this by diminishing blood stream from nearby vessels close to the harm and diminishing fluid hemorrhaging as a consequence of cell harm.

Limitations of RICE Therapy

On the off chance that the body part does not responds to R.I.C.E. treatment within the limit of 48 hours, it is necessary to consult your health care provider in the prospects a serious harm has happened, for example, internal bleeding or a fractured bone.

Controversies of RICE Therapy

Saying not to this therapy is disputable in light of the fact that everybody does it, including athletes, coaches, and physicians. The new line of speculation has brought on broad level headed discussion among specialists who have depended on RICE for a considerable length of time.

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